Diane E. Jacobs

WIG #1
30" x 14" x 15"
Letterpress printed text on paper, wood

30" X 10" X 10"
Letterpress printed text on paper, wood

9" x 9" x 3 ½"
woven phot-litho and letterpress text

1996 MFA, Printmaking, San Francisco State University, SF, CA
1991-2 Rotary Graduate Scholarship, Lorenzo De Medici, Florence, Italy
1990 Fifth Year Graduate Art Program Certificate, University of California, Santa Cruz
1988 BA, Fine Art, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
1986-7 Education Abroad Program, Il Bisonte, Florence, Italy

Solo Shows
1999 Women's Studio Workshop, Rosendale, New York
1992 "Life and Death In Italy," Women's Center, University of California Santa Cruz, CA
1988 "Senior Exhibition," Dancing Man Gallery, Santa Cruz, CA

Selected Group Shows
1999 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Rental Gallery, San Francisco, CA
  "Fiber Art," Bolinas Museum, Bolinas, CA
  "BACA 15th Annual National Juried Exhibition," Berkeley Art Center
  "On the Edge of the Century: Printmaking and Social Commentary in the 1990's," BACA, Berkeley, CA
  "Pacific Center for the Book Exhibition," San Francisco Public Library, CA
  "Making Books," Falkirk Cultural Center, San Rafael, CA

Selected Collections
  M.H. deYoung Memorial Museum, San Francisco, CA;
  Mark Petr; Ronald Garrity, Larry Kurtz, Edi Berton, Michele McCoy, Cindy Dechenes, Daniel Goldstine, Zarvin Swerbilov, Suzanne Collins.

White people have not always been "white" nor will they always be "white". It is a political alliance. Things will change. Amojoa Three Rivers

My growing awareness of power imbalances in our society and the revocation of affirmative action have pushed me to a point of activism. In this body of work I hope to expose the tenacious white patriarchal power structure by using language as my key witness. During the past year, I've been collecting slang and derogatory words used against women. The exhaustive list has come from friends, family, strangers (in the form of anonymous pink and blue cards asking What are the worst names you have been called?), and several dictionaries on slang. My first projects using the collected text were sculptural hats, bras, and underwear made of letterpress printed woven paper. The paper wig series continues to investigate language, broadening the scope of degrading and offensive terms to include words of hatred and violence. Printed in red, white and blue ink are tiny words whose mere existence is testimony to our intolerance toward difference.

My work fits into many genres and I like to be included in them all. My work changes with my interests and its medium is determined by what would be the best vehicle to express my message.

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